Portraits of illustrious Tuscan men with their historical praise


Perfect for a beautiful picture gallery wall, the lot consists of 45 engravings depicting men, each in a beautiful pose with clothes, headdresses and hairstyles typical of their time and rank. The engravings are part of the collection "Series of portraits of illustrious Tuscan men with their historical praise", one of the most famous and monumental works produced by the Florentine print house of the 18th century, dedicated to the Grand Duke of Tuscany Pietro Leopoldo and composed of beautiful portraits engraved by Francesco Allegrini from 1766 to 1773. The portraits are provided with their original frames in ebonized wood but only some have the ancient glass still on.


  • Material: Acquaforte e bulino su carta, cornici in legno
  • Size: cadauna circa cm 31 x 42 h
  • Condition: Restored
  • Period: Seconda metà del '700
  • State: Good conditions

CUP G79J20003880007